Saturday 20 February 2010

hard work + waiting = very frustrated leigh!

I feel like i have been busting my ass! im working so insanely hard at the moment! Lots going on!

Well my album has just launched worldwide on Itunes, which is exciting and extremely nerve- wrecking! Its a collection of songs that i have been working on for a very long time, so it feels good to finally see the finished product, only problem is, its electro music and that really isnt a very commercially viable product, i guess what you call a specific / target audience product. But hell i don't care, i am happy with it.

Should have really slept more tonght... i have a music video to shoot today , should last about 5 + hours so, im gonna look slightly rough no doubt!

Did a very interesting casting today for a short film, 'we once were tide' , great concept, great script, great team.... even better competition! haha, i tried, it was an impro workshop audition, very scary, as im not exactly an actor. But great experience and i felt a learned a lot, but it knocked my confidence when i actually cast the film with two very appropriate guys before we started, the very two, that im almost certainly will do it, and i hope they do, they were so right for it and i know i will be so happy to see what the do with the roles, although i would have loved to do it, well, we shall see.... don't know till they say no!

Signing contracts for my gala show, its all a bit to high faluting! Have no idea what the hell its saying to me, so im just signing away!

God i need to start dating again! very bored... im so used to flirting, its a very Leigh thing and i fell like i've lost a little bit of Leigh's spark... so need to start getting out there and meeting new people.


1 comment:

cool kezz said...

hey leigh im kerry im in donnas ballet group u made it up
ur such a gud dancer