Monday 11 May 2009


I know it has been a while since i last wrote and updated you. Very bad! im slapping my wrist as i write. I have been so incredibly busy! I have to let you all know how much i am enjoying working at New English Contemporary Ballet! The work is great, the people are great and i am getting to travel.

The ballets that i am performing are challenging, and i enjoy rehearsing and working hard on them. One of them being a a principle pas de deux called 'Light into Shade', its 8 minutes long , consisting of pas de deux and a solo. its tough going! I am dancing for a full 8 minutes without a break, so you can expect how pink my face is at the end of the ballet! Its been such a challenge to get this piece upto performance standard. But well worth it, as i only performed it last night! My first show of that piece. So i sit here writing this with still a little post- performance buzz in me!

The company is such a hard working group of dancers! I love that kind of atmosphere! It pushes you to keep achieving more and more which i think is so incredibly important in this industry.

I am also planning to go back and possibly do some more coaching over the summer in my time off, i enjoyed it so much and am so excited to see how much more i can help in the development of young dancers.

I have been making some extremely influential and important friends both here in the uk and stateside, and one very important person in particular has wonderful ideas about intergrating modeling and dance together. He wants to produce catwalk shows with high end fashion and couture with the models being dancers. I am so excited at this prospect and look forward to the project developing and of course, the final end product!

I will post more on the modeling, coaching and of course dancing very soon!