Monday 20 July 2009


Wow, im so very excited! I have just been officially attached to be involved in Vertigo Films up-and-coming new feature length film! It is going to be called Streetdance!

Details at the moment are still a little sketchy, i have been told that shooting will start mid-August. I just cant wait, so whatever the size my involvement is in the film, i don't care, its my first feature film and the whole process will be so exciting!

More on that later...!

I just wrapped filming my first short independent film! Its very beautiful. Its a film of a piece that i choreographed to a song called 'Angel' By Jerry Burns, a wonderful and talented singer songwriter.

Jerry produced the film and it was directed by David Council, who directed Jerry in another one of his movies. The cast consisted of myself and my friend Kyle Davey, whom i dance with both in the movie and also at New English Contemporary Ballet. Its a male ballet pas de deux and i couldn't be happier with how the film ended up! Its simply stunning.

If you wish to see the film, it will be made available to purchase on ITUNES along with a short album of Jerry's music very soon.

The plan is to have the premier of the film in Glasgow and Edinburgh, then to release to film festivals worldwide !

Very excited about this too!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Please, please do write a bit about Les Primas- I'm sure not every dancer has performed with a drag ballet act in a pub theatre!